
Shower thy Selfie ft. Cwen aka Fox Martin - 20 FRAMES and VIDEO 2

A short art movie from the “water colors” series featuring Cwen aka Fox Martin


Shower thy Selfie ft. Rachel Lilly
A short art movie from the “water colors” series featuring Rachel Lilly

goddess by vox

A short art movie from the “water colors” series featuring Ms. O the Goddess

roxh shaw show selfie by voxefx

A short art movie from the “water colors” series featuring Roxy Shaw

Orange H2O ft. Masha Models 3

Orange blossom water would make a magical addition to your store cupboard.

In Hot Water ft. Masha Models 4

Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hid and show what’s hidden. Rumi


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