charlie c

charlie c caprea wingate by voxefx

“Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.” 

Charlie and the Posing Factory - Pt 2 2

‘So many girls second-think their pose or what they’re doing. And, in turn, the photos will come out really unnatural. I say to really give the camera a performance – that, and make sure you’re comfortable”


‘So many girls second-think their pose or what they’re doing. And, in turn, the photos will come out really unnatural. I say to really give the camera a performance – that, and make sure you’re comfortable”


The finest clothing made is a person’s own skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this. Mark Twain

20 Riveting Reflections ft. Charlie C.

I think folks who are resistant to engaging in art become less so once they encounter art that really reflects them. Lynn Nottage


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