Alicia, in her serene repose ft.Alicia Dawn Art Model

The clock whispers, the hour grows late,

Alicia, in her serene repose ft.Alicia Dawn Art Model

Alicia, with tresses of golden hue,
In her hands, a magazine, something new.
Pages flutter like leaves in the breeze,
Capturing stories, moments to seize.

She sits, a vision of youthful grace,
A world of wonder in her tranquil space.
In each word, a journey to embark,
Yet her eyes glimmer like stars in the dark.

The clock whispers, the hour grows late,
But in these stories, time can wait.
Alicia, in her serene repose,
Finds in the pages, a world that glows.

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Alicia, in her serene repose ft.Alicia Dawn Art Model