We hold these truths…
These truths – The phrase “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it” is from the Declaration of Independence of the United States, written in 1776. This foundational document asserts that governments are instituted to secure the rights of the people and that their legitimacy comes from the consent of those they govern. When a government fails to protect these rights or becomes harmful, the people have the right to change or remove it and establish a new government that will better ensure their safety and happiness.
Britney Spears Old Lady Sloppy Titty Dance of the Day – Drunken Stepfather
Marcela Iglesias Topless at the Beach! – The Nip Slip
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Kara Del Toro … with a revealing thong!! – Okokoras
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Soledad Lomas Flashing Outdoors!! – Booty Source
McKayla Maroney Comes Out for the Weekend! – Linkiest
Madisyn Shipman – one of the oddest nip-slips ever – OtherCrap
Maitland Ward Baking Cookies!! – Boobieblog
Yoana Nikolova in various nude photoshoots (230 pics – 3 videos) – Celeb Stalker