Stream Common’s New Supergroup Album, ‘August Greene’ : NPR

It started with us being friends for years.

Stream Common’s New Supergroup Album, ‘August Greene’ : NPR

Stream Common’s New Supergroup Album, ‘August Greene’ : NPR


It started with us being friends for years. I produced Common’s last record, Black America Again, and some of the songs on there Robert Glasper and I co-produced together. Just the working relationship we had in the studio creating that album was effortless; a lot of the songs we came up with were organic. So that album came out and we felt the need to continue to record. We didn’t know what project we were necessarily working on — like, was it a new Common album, was it just music? So we just decided to form the group at that time, which was about a year ago. And “Letter to the Free,” that was before we actually decided to form August Greene, so everything has aligned for this collaboration to come together.

Stream Common's New Supergroup Album, 'August Greene' : NPR 2

Stream Common’s New Album With Robert Glasper And Karriem Riggins

“As we go into the well of the black pool of genius,” Common intones during the opening bars of August Greene. It’s a fitting incantation for a time in which black culture increasingly defines America’s pop consciousness, even as black people are defiled by the sociopolitical will of a restless nation.

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Stream Common’s New Supergroup Album, ‘August Greene’ : NPR